Azerbaijan Natural Life And Zoological Park

Project Name:
Azerbaijan Natural Life And Zoological Park

Baku, Azerbaijan


550 000 m²

Azerbaijan Ecological Life Park, having an area equal to 55 hectare, Azerbaijan Zoological Park has the mission for being a part of this conservation network with high standards of environmental responsibility. The project is designed in accordance with EAZA criteria and aims to provide environmentally friendly life with respectful planning to visitors and animals. Sustainable development, effective use of natural resources, protection of endemic and threatened species in nature are among the main objectives. It is also aimed to raise awareness about the dangers such as pollution, overuse, exploitation and waste management in wildlife parks. In addition to the educational activities in the area, it is aimed to make the visitors socialize by having a pleasant time and to live one day with the natural life. Project planning is based on a small reception square at the upper scale, followed by a main entrance and three main axes dispersed there. Parking, administrative units, souvenir shop, biodeme and lemur exhibition were solved in the main entrance section. The other functions and the climatic life relationships of the animals were constructed by separating them on the following three axes. The topography is solved by inclined surfaces in the sections with elevation differences so that the visitors can move freely. Vehicle service roads across the area are solved on the outer wall of the habitat areas. As material, asphalt pavements and natural stone materials with grass joints were preferred on the pedestrian service roads when using asphalt in vehicle service roads.